Reflections on the BNCC in Elementary Education: Conceptual approach to the cognitive dimension and the need for metamorphosis
Nuances: Estudos sobre Educação, Presidente Prudente, v. 35, n. 00, e024003, 2024. e-ISSN: 2236-0441
DOI: 10
questions to be answered, since in this institutional model, it seems that not all the necessary
pedagogical actions fit for the expected outcome.
It is also observed that throughout Elementary Education, there is another period marked
by a transition between the early years and the final years, characterized by greater formality,
pedagogical and cognitive density, as well as content complexity. There is a need to appropriate
the "different logics of organization of knowledge" in different areas (Brasil, 2018, p. 55, our
translation). In view of these specificities, it is essential, in the various curricular components,
to revisit and resignify the learning and the knowledge itself involved in Elementary Education,
Initial Years in the context of different areas, aiming at deepening and expanding the conceptual
and linguistic repertoires of the students.
In schooling, during the early years, the progression of knowledge occurs through a
combination of pedagogical factors aimed at consolidating previous learning, expanding
language practices, and enriching children's aesthetic and intercultural experiences. In the final
years, the various curriculum disciplines revisit and reinterpret learning processes within the
context of different areas, promoting the "deepening and expansion of students' repertoires"
(Brasil, 2018, p. 56, our translation). This means that pedagogically working on the autonomy
of these adolescents should enable them to acquire conditions and tools to interact, from a
critical perspective, with different knowledge and sources of information. Young people at this
stage are in a transitional age range, "[...] between childhood and adolescence, marked by
intense changes resulting from biological, psychological, social, and emotional
transformations" (Brasil, 2018, p. 56; Brasil, 2010).
In this sense and context, it is necessary to emphasize the nature of this school dynamic
as complex interactions, and therefore, its influence may vary among different school units,
localities (municipalities), regions, and territorialities. The results depend on practical
implementation and attention to these interactions and the different factors that act within them,
along with adequate monitoring and continuous adjustments to ensure the effective benefits of
learning to students.
The available academic productions on concepts of cognitive development impress with
the complexity and variety of themes they cover, given their diverse origins: cognitive sciences,
neurobiology, curriculum, literacy and numeracy learning and teaching, child self-regulation,
disorders in different contexts, good practices, teacher training, and assessment (Renabe, 2020,
p. 10). Despite the complex contents, these productions are presented in relatively clear