Ancestral pedagogy
An investigation into the existence and resistance of the identity of the quilombola community of Alto do Capim, Quixabeira-Bahia
Pedagogia, Ancestralidade, Pedagogia ancestralAbstract
This article is the result of an ethnographic research carried out in the Quilombola community of Alto do Capim that sought to investigate: How does an ancestral pedagogy contribute to the preservation of the identity of the Quilombola Community of Alto do Capim, in Quixabeira-BA? For this investigation it was necessary to understand how an ancestral pedagogy contributed to the existence and resistance of the identity of the Quilombola Community of Alto do Capim, in Quixabeira-BA; understand the relationships between pedagogy and ancestry; establish the importance of ancestral pedagogy for the preservation of the identity of quilombola communities; Get to know the history of the Quilombola Community of Alto do Capim and challenge the elements that foster ancestral pedagogy in the Quilombola community of Alto do Capim. Therefore, it is concluded that this is the Quilombola Community of Alto do Capim, the informal education processes have historical and cultural documents, since there is little self-recognition of ancestry in the community.
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