Estratégias de resistência agroecológica e camponesa das mulheres do Quilombo Campo Grande contra a financeirização agroalimentar / Agroecological and peasant resistance strategies of women from Quilombo Campo Grande against agri-food financialization / Estrategias agroecológicas y de resistencia campesina de mujeres del Quilombo Campo Grande contra la financiarización agroalimentaria




Financeirização, Agronegócio, Reforma agrária, Soberania alimentar


Peasant women are at the center of the struggle for land and resistance to the hegemonic model of agriculture. This article refers to a qualitative study carried out with peasant women from the Campo Grande Quilombo, located in the state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil. It is a territory whose history is rooted in land occupation processes organized by the MST (Landless Rural Workers Movement). The objective of this study was to analyze the strategies adopted by women regarding seeds and their relationship with the development of agroecology. Data for this article was collected through participant observation, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. We have noticed that agribusiness and financialization are central to understanding power relations in the current food system. On the other hand, agroecology has provided the basis for several strategies that go against the hegemonic model. When fighting daily for agroecology, the strategies adopted by peasant women constitute an important reference in the fight against the financialization and commodification of the agri-food system.


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How to Cite

Matheus, A. C., & Ferreira de Souza-Esquerdo, V. (2024). Estratégias de resistência agroecológica e camponesa das mulheres do Quilombo Campo Grande contra a financeirização agroalimentar / Agroecological and peasant resistance strategies of women from Quilombo Campo Grande against agri-food financialization / Estrategias agroecológicas y de resistencia campesina de mujeres del Quilombo Campo Grande contra la financiarización agroalimentaria. REVISTA NERA, 27(4).

