The territories of the dispossession: the enclaves and the logistic as forms of territorialization of South American´s extractive model
extractive model, territories, enclaves, logistic, circulation.Abstract
The follow analytic notes tried to talk about some aspects of the different forms of territorialization of South American´s extractive model, making difference between clustering and logistic territories. White that object in mind are organized some relevant aspects from the lecture of the recent's Latin-American critic literature of the subject, white the idea of generates an integral framework of the subject and to contribute white it's political and academic comprehension. In part 1 it's realized a short exposition on the presumptuous about the South American´s extractive model as an strategic practice of the Latin-American states, and the relations of this white the process of globalization of capital. In part 2 is develop the two modalities of territorialization of the extractive model: the enclaves and the territories of logistic, exposing theirs singularities and relationships. The article finish white some general thought and the underlining of some possible agenda for further studies on the topics.Downloads
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