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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is original, was not published or is not being evaluated for publication in another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the Editor".
  • Files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (provided they do not exceed 2MB).
  • URLs (links to electronic pages) were included in the bibliographic references.
  • The text follows the standards of style and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors in the About the Journal section.
  • The identification of authorship of the manuscript was removed from the file and from  the option "Word Properties", thus guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criterion if it is submitted for peer review (papers, for example), according to instructions available in Ensuring the Blind Review by Peers.
  • PAPERS: texts not published in another journals and resulted of concluded research
    BOOK REVIEW: critical reviews of books that are in the arc of the labor thematic

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

ATTENTION: Pegada Journal receives papers in a continuous stream. We do not charge any fee either for submission or publication.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal must necessarily follow the formatting guidelines below*:


-Typed in the Microsoft Word processor; line spacing: 1,5; in Garamond font, size: 12; justified paragraphs; no paragraph spacing; margins: 3.0 cm (left and right) and 2.5 cm (upper and lower) .

-We accept submissions of papers in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

-The title (in three languages) must be typed in capital letters, abstract (maximum of 10 lines in a single paragraph) and keywords (minimum of 3 words and maximum of 5) in Portuguese (resumo), English (abstract) and Spanish (resumen). For titles, abstracts and keywords in foreign language do not use automatic translator (under penalty of rejection of submission) and, if possible, they should be reviewed by a professional of the language or a native.

-The title (in three languages) must be typed in capital letters; Garamond font; size 14; Do not identify yourself or your university affiliation in the main text of your manuscript during the review process. If your manuscript is accepted for publication, the final version should be updated to include identifying information that was omitted during the review process. Abstract and keywords should be typed in the same font, size 11.

-Subtitles should not be numbered and should be typed in capital letters and bold and aligned to the left.

-All images, graphics, tables, charts or maps should be inserted in the body of the text. Title should be centralized and above the item (size 12); Source and author should be centralized and below the item, in Garamond font, size 10.

-All notes should be linked to the text using the footnote function on your Word Processor at the bottom of the given page, in Garamond font, size 10.

-The maximum length should be 30 pages, in A4 size, counting with the abstract (in three languages) and bibliographical references at the end.

-All bibliographic references must follow ABNT norms.

Book Reviews:

-They must follow the same formatting of the papers with the title of the review being the same title of the book reviewed (in the original language). Include the bibliographic reference information at the end of the text.

-It is not necessary abstract and/or keywords.

*Texts not formatted according to the guidelines will be summarily rejected and returned to the author(s).


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.