RAP as a transformative means in education
thematizing rap in a public school in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro
RAP, Anti-racist education, Poetry, Basic EducationAbstract
This article presents the results of a study conducted at a school in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, located in the northern zone in the Irajá neighborhood. The study was developed by members of a Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) and researchers within the scope of the Laboratory for Research on Social Movements, Inequalities, and Diversity of Body, Race, and Gender (LADECORGEN-UFRJ). The action research, conducted through workshops, aimed to promote antiracist education. The researchers employed a dynamic approach, interpreting emerging themes that intersect with rap, one of the elements of hip-hop culture. The workshops were held in 2023 with 3rd and 4th-grade elementary school students. It can be concluded that the use of music, particularly lyrics that facilitated discussions on respect, diversity, race, community, and related values, served as a powerful tool for antiracist education within the school setting.
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