Potentialities of Fungi Production in Brazil
Fungi production, Economic Development, Growth PotentialAbstract
The study below focuses on analyzing the Brazilian fungus industry and its potential for growth and economic development in the country. Mushrooms have been used by humans for thousands of years as food and an alternative to remediation as a method of purifying pollutants and toxic compounds. However, their production as a product gained emphasis in the 1970s, mainly in Asian countries. The Sino-Japanese immigration to Brazil seems to have been a crucial factor in the culture of fungi production, although this was not the main reason for their arrival. With a quantitative methodology, we obtained our data from the IBGE System of Automatic Recovery (SIDRA) for the years 1995, 2006, and 2017, and followed our research with a literature review. According to IBGE, the first data survey on mushroom production in Brazil was performed in 1995. Thus, the strengths of fungi production in Brazil were analyzed, such as the economic development envisaged by the increase in the price of the product to the quantity produced; nevertheless, we also analyzed the weaknesses, such as the concentration of production by establishments in some states, especially in Rio Grande do Sul.
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